Friday, April 01, 2005
On this day:

Alabama Names Official State Pet

The Alabama legislature has passed a bill naming the redbone coonhound as Alabama's official state pet. The bill now goes to Gov. Bob Riley for his signature.

The bill reads:
Whereas, the redbone coonhound is a breed of dog that is integral to the history and culture of Alabama and the nation, occupying a storied place in American literature and film, most notably in "Where the Red Fern Grows"; and

Whereas, for many generations, the redbone coonhound has filled Alabama's woods and hollows with the echoes of its gentle bark; and

Whereas, hunting of the raccoon provides the State of Alabama with a significant source of revenue from avid outdoorsmen; and

Whereas, the redbone's chief competitor for state pet was an annoying little bird called the guinea hen;

Therefore, be it resolved, that the redbone coonhound is heretofore and hereafter to be referred to as the "state pet of the State of Alabama."