Thursday, September 15, 2005
On this day:

The meaning of diversity - AU style

Here are the vision and goals of AU's Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs:


The Office of Diversity and Multi-Cultural Affairs' vision for Auburn University is that of a Multi-Cultural campus where members see themselves first, as people and second, as representatives of a particular group; a campus where members see themselves as a "community" of Multi-Culturally diverse people who value and appreciate diversity, and where inclusiveness, fairness, and equity are the norms. Working collaboratively with the entire Auburn University community, the Office of Diversity and Multi-Cultural Affairs strives to create and sustain a global campus community of interdependent and interconnected ambassadors of the human race.


Work collaboratively with the entire Auburn University Community to create and sustain an all-inclusive Multi-Culturally diverse campus.

Foster a total campus community that values diversity and Multi-Cultural inclusiveness through ongoing educational, cultural, and social programs.

Create , promote, and encourage a supportive and friendly campus environment that is welcoming for, and attractive to people of all races, ethnicity, nationalities, religions, genders, sexual orientations, and those with disabilities.

Assist Auburn University in its efforts to recruit and retain a critical mass of minorities (especially African-Americans) and women into faculty, staff, and administrative positions–of power and authority–(e.g., chairs, deans, vice provosts, vice presidents).

Assist Auburn University in its efforts to recruit, retain, and graduate a critical mass of minority students–especially African-American students.

Regularly monitor and assess Auburn University's diversity efforts for effectiveness and identify new and better strategies for success.

Build and strengthen alliances with diverse external communities–civic, business, and various ethnic organizations–to support Multi-Culturally inclusive diversity in and outside of Auburn University.