Sunday, December 03, 2006
On this day: Wikipedia

Longhaired football players

In the grand scheme of things, this one probably isn't too, too, important, but...

It's a trend that I wish would die out sooner rather than later. Have coaches become such pushovers when it comes to enforcing team discipline that they can no longer bring themselves to demand that players put sportsmanship above showmanship?

Not only does long hair add an unnecessary risk of injury to an already dangerous sport, it also looks ridiculous. Not too long ago, collar-length was the unwritten rule - for high school, college, and the pros. Now is as good a time as any to turn back the clock. It seems to me that all the good coaches out there should give their players an ultimatum: you can either cut your hair to a reasonable length, stuff it in your helmet, or sit on the bench.

In football, a deep-seated desire to mop the floor with your opponents is a good thing. Using your hair to send that message isn't.