Tuesday, May 03, 2005
On this day:

Barkley: "I'm Dead Serious" About Running for Governor of Alabama

The Arizona Republic had a very interesting interview with Sir Charles Barkley last week.

To my dismay, he announced that rumors of his Republican leanings are unfounded and that he actually voted for John Kerry in last year's presidential election. When asked about his party affiliation, he said, "Am I a Democrat? I think, I guess I am."

That's too bad, because he sure knows how to talk like a Republican.

Take this:
Really I'm talking to poor Black kids, poor White kids and poor Hispanic kids. They have to realize that they've got a strike against them. Number 1 is the environment they grow up in. They are going to go to a terrible school system more than likely, and I think they have to realize that they've got to stop, especially the Black kids, they've got to stop becoming their own worst enemies with Black-on-Black crime, teenage pregnancies and single-parent homes. I think all three of those groups, whether they are poor White, poor Black or Hispanic, have to understand that it's going to be an uphill climb for them.
Or this:
Number 1, we should always care about all our fellow beings. But also, like I say, the book is for the young Black kids, poor White kids, Hispanic kids. They've got to realize the government is not going to do anything about their school. They've got to realize the government is not going to do anything about their neighborhoods, that's just how it is. They've got to do better.
That's a great message, no matter what party he chooses to identify with...and there's no doubt that when he makes up his mind to return to Alabama, he'll be welcomed home with open arms.