Wednesday, May 04, 2005
On this day:

Time for Alabama Liberals Rethink their Economic Philosophy?

Higher taxes, bigger government, more regulation, additional funding for public education, and a new state constitution.

For years and years, Alabama's "progressives" have repeated the message that each of those things is essential for economic development, while staring down their noses at those who have disagreed. For example, see this article at the Alabama Citizens for Constitution Reform's web site. Nonetheless, Alabama has managed to make impressive gains economically, despite all the dire predictions and persistent negativism.

I certainly wouldn't say that the state's tax structure is perfect, that constitution reform shouldn't be seriously considered, or that there isn't ample room for improvement in our education system. All of those are issues that need to be addressed. But, in doing so, we should be wary of relying on discredited liberal assumptions about how jobs and wealth are created.