Wednesday, September 21, 2005
On this day:

Tuesday Trivia

Scroll down for the answers.

  1. Who was the first professional baseball player to have his jersey retired?
  2. In what decade was the microwave oven invented?
  3. What was Lee Harvey Oswald's killer, Jack Ruby's, sentence?
  4. What 70's legend will soon be honored by having a statue of him erected in Bosnia as a symbol against ethnic division?
  5. From the Rocky movies, name Rocky Balboa's opponents.
  6. In what city were the 1960 Olympics held?
  7. Who was the first U.S. President to lose a Presidential election? Who did he lose to?
  8. What does the acronym OPEC stand for?
  9. What does a frog have in its mouth that a toad does not?
  10. What is the only land animal that can go longer without water than a camel?
  11. Who was England's first Queen (reigning in her own right)?
  12. Name the seven virtues.
  13. What is the first letter in the Russian (Cyrillic) alphabet?
  14. What is Campbell's best-selling soup?
  15. What soft drink was invented in Waco, Texas in the 1880's?


  1. Lou Gehrig.
  2. The 1940's.
  3. Death.
  4. Bruce Lee.
  5. Apollo Creed (Rocky I and II), Clubber Lang (Rocky III), Ivan Grago (Rocky IV), and Tommy Gunn (Rocky V). Rocky also faced Thunderlips in a charity match in Rocky III.
  6. Rome.
  7. Jefferson lost to Adams in 1796.
  8. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.
  9. Teeth.
  10. A rat.
  11. Mary I. ("Bloody Mary")
  12. Faith, hope, charity, justice, prudence, temperance, and fortitude.
  13. A.
  14. Tomato.
  15. Dr Pepper.